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Terra Botanica, the Plant Park – Extraordinary Gardens

Hôtel d'Anjou - Hôtel 4 étoiles Angers | Terra Botanica, le parc du végétal

Terra Botanica, the Plant Park – Extraordinary Gardens

Are you ready for a botanical round-the-world-tour? At the heart of Terra Botanica and its extraordinary gardens, perk up your ears and open your eyes wide. With each season’s arrival, admire the shimmering and changing colours in a park that is unique in Europe.

Extraordinary Gardens
In these extraordinary gardens, botanical discoveries are revealed at almost every step. Terra botanica is the 1st European park dedicated to the world of plants and biodiversity. In Anjou, it is one of the sites that cannot be ignored; a place that is emblematic of the love affair that has united this territory and botany for centuries. More than 5,000 plant species from every continent reveal their secrets: phosphorescent flowers, thousand-year-old trees, carnivorous plants, forgotten vegetables, an exceptional collection of orchids, roses, palm trees, etc.

Like nature, the park is constantly evolving and growing. Among its most recent developments: an entire area devoted to trees and the forest, the “waterless garden” and the spectacular “Oasis”, the largest bamboo structure in Europe installed at the entrance to the site. 2022 is no exception to the rule, with new proposals for the public.


Revel in the wonders of nature

Many visitors wanted to extend their Terra Botanica experience with a night visit: it’s been granted! From mid-July, they will be able to enjoy the park by night, thanks to an immersive and dreamlike wandering, proposed every evening at dusk. For visitors to the site, this tour will be an opportunity to extend their day devoted to plants. For the locals, an idea for an evening outing to discover Terra Botanica’s universe in a different way.

From April onwards, extraordinary animals will join the plant creatures already resident in the park. This bestiary in “mosaiculture” and topiaries is the other new feature of 2022. Each month, a new animal, real or imaginary, will make its appearance: lions, a small monster, cousin of the famous Scottish “Nessie”, will come straight out of the depths of the lake of… Terra Botanica! An 8-metre dragon made of thousands of plants, a 6-metre unicorn, a huge octopus… will the animal kingdom take over this plant kingdom?

Terra Botanica Angers, the great adventure of plants (anjou-tourisme.com)
Terra Botanica, the plant park


Published on : 30/08/2022